- - 【طرق إمداد طاقة متعددة ثورية لطاقة متواصلة لمدة 365 يومًا】تتميز كاميرا المراقبة K&F Concept 4K 48MP بتصميم فريد من نوعه لحجرة البطارية المزدوجة. حجرة واحدة للبطارية القابلة لإعادة الشحن المدمجة و4 بطاريات ليثيوم. جنبًا إلى جنب مع اللوحة الشمسية، يمكن لكاميرا المراقبة العمل لمدة 365 يومًا دون توقف. تساعد طرق الطاقة المتعددة في التعامل مع الظروف الجوية المختلفة، مثل الأيام الملبدة بالغيوم والممطرة، ويمكن تبديلها بسهولة. ملاحظة: يمكن شحن البطارية القابلة لإعادة الشحن المدمجة بواسطة
- - 【صور وفيديوهات فائقة الدقة 48 ميجابكسل*4K】مزودة بمستشعر صور فائق الدقة وعدسة واسعة الزاوية عالية الجودة، تتميز كاميرا المراقبة K&F Concept بالتقاط مسارات الحياة البرية الواضحة والمفصلة في الليل والنهار. يمكن عرض هذه الصور التفصيلية على شاشة الكاميرا عالية الدقة مقاس 1.54 بوصة. تنسيق الفيديو: MP4 وAVI لـ 4K. تنسيق الصورة: JPG.
- - 【صور بدقة 48 ميجابكسل وفيديو فائق الدقة 4K بمعدل 10 إطارات في الثانية】بفضل فيديو فائق الدقة 4K وصوت جيد، يمكن لكاميرا المراقبة K&F CONCEPT التقاط تفاصيل أكثر وضوحًا والحصول على فيديو سلس. وفي الوقت نفسه، يمكنها التقاط صور فائقة الوضوح بدقة 48 ميجابكسل. مع 34 مصباح LED بالأشعة تحت الحمراء، يمكنها التقاط لحظات رائعة بغض النظر عن الليل أو النهار. مع عدسة واسعة الزاوية، تمنحك كاميرا المراقبة 4K PIR مجال رؤية أوسع. الشحن إلى الولايات المتحدة، أيرلندا، ليتوانيا، ألمانيا، إسبانيا، هولندا، لاتفي
- - 【طقم شامل وسهل الإعداد】يتضمن طقم كاميرا المراقبة بطاقة SD بسعة 64 جيجابايت و8 بطاريات AA، حتى تتمكن من البدء في استخدامها على الفور (إعداد وتشغيل البطاريات؛ دعم بطاقات SD حتى 512 جيجابايت). هناك أيضًا مجموعة متنوعة من إعدادات الوظائف: التسجيل المتكرر، وإعداد التوقيت، والتأخير، ودرجة الحرارة، والعلامة المائية، وحماية كلمة المرور، ويمكن ضبط وقت التسجيل على 5 دقائق، وما إلى ذلك.
- - هذه الكاميرا درب FHD لديها 32MP بكسل ، صورة 4K / 2.7K / 1080 P / 720 P / 480 P فيديو وصوت بدقة. شاشة ملونة TFT مدمجة مقاس 2.4 بوصة لعرض الصور ومقاطع الفيديو في الكاميرا ، تقبل بطاقات SD حتى 512 جيجا بايت
- - IP67 مقاوم للماء - باستخدام مواد مقاومة للماء IP67 عالية الجودة ، كل شيء من الختم إلى عدسة التحقيق متين للغاية. احمِ كاميرا التتبع الخاصة بك من المطر والسقوط والغبار وتأكد من أنها يمكن أن تعمل في البيئات القاسية مثل الغابات المطيرة أو الصحاري
637 درهم
349 درهم
- - 【تركيب مرن 360 درجة】مع تعديل الدوران الأفقي 360 درجة والتعديل الرأسي 220 درجة، يمكنك ضبط زاوية ورؤية كاميرا المراقبة باستخدام حامل التثبيت ووضع الكاميرا في وضع أكثر ملاءمة.
- - 【واجهة قياسية 1/4 بوصة】قوس التثبيت مناسب ليس فقط لكاميرات الصيد والألواح الشمسية، ولكن أيضًا الأضواء وما إلى ذلك بخيط 1/4 بوصة × 20 في الجزء السفلي.
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
575 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
575 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
575 درهم
- - This full HD tracking camera has 32MP pixels, image resolution 4K/2.7K/1080P/720P/480P resolution video and audio. A 2.31-inch TFT color screen is also integrated for viewing photos and videos from the camera.
- - IP67 Waterproof - Made of high quality IP67 waterproof material, everything from the gasket to the probe lens is very durable. Protect your tracking camera from rain, drops and dust, and make sure it works in harsh environments like rainforests or deserts
698 درهم
419 درهم
- - This full HD tracking camera has 32MP pixels, image resolution 4K/2.7K/1080P/720P/480P resolution video and audio. A 2.31-inch TFT color screen is also integrated for viewing photos and videos from the camera.
- - IP67 Waterproof - Made of high quality IP67 waterproof material, everything from the gasket to the probe lens is very durable. Protect your tracking camera from rain, drops and dust, and make sure it works in harsh environments like rainforests or deserts
739 درهم
409 درهم
1,260 درهم
1,179 درهم
- - 【فيديو عالي الدقة للصور】 مع شريحة عالية الأداء ، تلتقط هذه الكاميرا الخلفية ما يصل إلى 36 ميجابكسل صورًا حادة ونابضة بالحياة ومقاطع فيديو بدقة 2.7 كيلو بايت مع صوت فائق الوضوح بألوان زاهية بالنهار ولقطات بيضاء سوداء في الليل. توفر عدسة الكاميرا التي تبلغ 121 درجة زاوية بصرية واسعة ، مما يساعدك على مراقبة رؤية أوسع لعالم الحياة البرية.
- - 【IP65 مبيت قوي مقاوم للماء مع غلاف IP65 المقاوم للماء والغبار والمقاوم للسقوط ، فإن كاميرا الاستطلاع الخاصة بنا للصيد قوية بما يكفي لتحمل بيئة العمل الوعرة مثل الصحراء أو الغابات المطيرة مع درجة حرارة من -20-71 ℃ ، وهو أمر لا غنى عنه ضمان لعمر خدمة طويل الأمد.
1,260 درهم
1,179 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
1,796 درهم
1,356 درهم
879 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
1,356 درهم
879 درهم
900 درهم
609 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide-angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen tracking camera maple leaf color
513 درهم
279 درهم
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide-angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen tracking camera maple leaf color
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The A101XS tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
513 درهم
279 درهم
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide-angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen hunting camera bark color*2 sets
900 درهم
549 درهم
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide-angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen hunting camera bark color*2 sets
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
900 درهم
549 درهم
1,796 درهم
1,109 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
1,796 درهم
1,109 درهم
900 درهم
549 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
900 درهم
549 درهم
1,356 درهم
839 درهم
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
1,356 درهم
839 درهم
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen hunting camera bark color*4 sets
1,796 درهم
1,109 درهم
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen hunting camera bark color*4 sets
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
1,796 درهم
1,109 درهم
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen hunting camera bark color*3 sets
1,348 درهم
839 درهم
24MP*1296P night vision, 120° wide angle*0.2S trigger 2-inch screen hunting camera bark color*3 sets
- - 【Quick Capture; Unique Design】The tracking camera adopts a sensitive trigger speed of 0.2 seconds, accurately captures every exciting moment, and adopts a lightweight and compact unique design, which is easy to carry and apply to any place;
- - [Low-power battery life] The low sleep power consumption of the tracking camera is less than 0.20mA, and the battery life of 4 AA alkaline batteries can be up to 3 months. Connecting to an external battery box (constant voltage DC6V, current greater than 1mA) will achieve longer Good effect (the product does not include battery box);
1,348 درهم
839 درهم